
Conceived & Directed by Jorge Schultz

Produced by Yining Cao

Presented by Columbia University School of the Arts

World premiere at Lenfest Center for the Arts, December 2022

The poetic psychological thriller follows a detective receiving inpatient treatment after the serial killer murdered his partner and takes the heart away. As more of the detective's lovers fall victim, seemingly trivial memories invade his deteriorating mind. Could the answer to the perfect crime lie in his past... and his not-so-perfect heart?


Director & Playwright - Jorge Schultz

Producer - Yining Cao

Production Stage Manager - Eden Mullins

Spanish Dramaturg - Cristina Ramos

English Dramaturg - Dylan Gurrera

Production Dramaturg - Mariela Rivero

Assistant Stage Manager - Qixuan Sun

Set & Props Designer - Nadja Antic

Costume Designer - Macarena Salazar

Lighting Designer - Josh Martinez-Davis

Sound Designer - Max Silverman

Movement Consultant - Mollee Barse


How I Disappeared


She Walks the Air IX